Tuesday, January 24, 2012

two url's

https://www.facebook.com/index.php?lh=Ac-TkxylXN2DemiB Facebook's home page is hard to navigate. the navigations are located at the bottom of the page. If you choose to find friends, advertising or create a page. you need to search the page to find the navigation. The over all visual of the page is dull. very open to space and lacks appearance towards graphics.

http://www.autozone.com/autozone/ I was just on this page today to order something for my car. I was funny how I noticed the easy navigation presented by this store. all navigations are at the top. When your courser touches the the nav button, it auto drops other navigations. This makes it easy to use and find what you need with little or no computer experience.

Will i be more critical of websites in the future? Yes, using a proper navigation system on a page makes life easier to locate the information you are gathering. Normally the interface of the page will tell you if it will be set-up by its looks. Example; a page with well design colors and graphics normally will have the time to add the navigations to the proper and most accessable areas of the page. Why, because someone has or paid to have the page set for professional quality.

Additonal comments on reading... Not really, i was to focused on killing my HTML project to think about the reading this week. Maybe next week.

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