Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week three review questions

Niagara Falls

Save original photos before starting. Simple tools to customize a photo to remove people, layers, brush tools, crop tools, eraser, lasso tools and the clone tool. Cropping people out of a photo is easy if used by a cut then add clone tool to reinstall the background from the same spot of the people standing.


The difference of readability vs. legibility.

Readability refers to how how to read a lot of text.

Legibility refers to how to recognize shorts bursts of text. Examples headlines, buttons, signs.


What did I learn from this chapter?

Defaults fonts and size are auto set on your browser. The size of the text is important for reading, sometimes changing these settings will bring more life to your page. Cross-platforms fonts are normally set on new roman on your browser. Changing them for eye catching for main topics give a fancier look to your page.

This chapter covers mostly text and how to change the text to bring life to a page. By choosing different styles of text and you can create eye catching fonts to bring points to your messages.

Additional reading:

The difference between gif and jpeg file formats. Gif is a compressed file that uses minimun colors and jpeg files can contain 16.7 million colors.

Image map are links to other pages almost the same as a thumbnail.

Cmyk cyan magenta yellow and black.

RGB Red Green and Blue.

Indexed colors is 256 colors.

Bit depth is also called pixel depth or bit resolution. A bit is the smallest unit of information that a computer understands.

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